Programme Educational Objectives

1. Provide socially responsible, Environment friendly solutions to Mechanical Engineering related broad-based problems adapting professional ethics.

2. Adapt state-of-the-art Mechanical engineering broad-based Technologies to work in multi- disciplinary work environments.

3. Solve broad-based problems individually and as a team member communicating effectively in the world of work.

Program Outcomes

1. Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and basic engineering to solve the broad-based Mechanical engineering problems.

2. Discipline knowledge: Apply Mechanical engineering knowledge to solve broad-based mechanical engineering related problems.

3. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the results to solve broad-based Mechanical engineering problems.

4. Engineering tools: Apply relevant Mechanical technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.

5. The engineer and society: Assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to practice in field of Mechanical Engineering.

6. Environment and sustainability: Apply Mechanical engineering solutions also for sustainable development practices in societal and environmental contexts.

7. Ethics: Apply ethical principles for commitment to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of the practice also in the field of Mechanical engineering

8. Individual and team work: Function effectively as a leader and team member in diverse/ multidisciplinary teams.

9.Communication: Communicate effectively in oral and written form.

10. Life-long learning: Engage in independent and life-long learning activities in the context of technological changes also in the Mechanical engineering and allied industry.